Our Most Powerful Update is Now Live. What's New in OnPrintShop v12.0 – Learn More!
OnPrintShop team is continuously evolving the solution with new features and enhancements to meet changing needs of web to print market. We have recently added new features to our solution according to feedback received from some of our customers.
Orders: Two separate tabs to view and edit order, new auto archive feature, comment display section, order overdue indication, and more.
Multiple Template Delete: Select multiple user and master templates and delete them with single click.
Centralized Settings in Store Configuration: All different settings grouped together in store configuration with search functionality.
Product Based Navigation Menu: Quick navigation menu to different product pages in products module.
Product Info: All product info available on single page.
Corporate Credit/Debit History: Order number and comments for every corporate transaction.
Manage Breadcrumb: Add breadcrumb navigation of your choice to web store. We will design and implement breadcrumb based on request.
Shipping Module: Enhanced weight based shipping module to specify zone based on State and Postal Code (zip code).
We have modified several items in orders module to make order management easy for admin and certain features/functionalities user friendly.
We have divided Edit/View Order section into two different tabs – view order and update order to avoid too much scrolling for update order.
Orders>>View Orders>>Action>>Edit/View
View Order Tab Functionalities
Update Order Tab Functionalities
The order listing page will display red color fill for a particular order if it has exceeded its assigned due date.
Admin>>Orders>>View Orders
This way admin can identify orders that need immediate attention and need to be queued up in higher priority for processing.
Admin can choose to display additional options price even if it is zero. To do this admin has to define “Yes” in settings for the same.
Store Configuration>>Settings>>Store Configuration
If admin selects “Yes” to display additional option price even if it is zero then the zero price will be displayed in below areas:
Admin: Invoice, job ticket, view order, modify order, printer order view, corporate order view.
Web Store: User order detail page, print order, shopping cart, express checkout, confirm order screen, email content.
We have created a section for customer to post comments related to a particular order in order details section of his account on web store after the order is placed and is not completed.
Note: Once the order status is changed to “complete” commenting will not be possible.
My Account>>Orders>>View Details
Here customer can add comment and even upload a file for the admin. Comments created by customer and the admin will be displayed in Order History Details section. Admin cannot delete files uploaded by customer.
The comments section will be displayed on the web store frontend only if it is enabled by admin from Settings, by default it is disabled.
Store Configuration>>Settings>>Customer
If yes then comments section will be displayed on web store frontend for customer. If No then comments section will not be displayed.
Admin can leave comment from Update Order section.
View Orders>>Action>>Update Order
Admin can add a comment and choose to display it to customer and admin or only admin. If he chooses to display it to customer then the comment will be displayed on web store frontend. Admin can also upload a file with the comment. He can tick the small checkbox below and send customer notification by email.
Now admin can send email notifications with relevant text to customers when status of an order is changed.
Orders>>Order Status>>Add Order Status
In Add Order Status we have added a new Email Description field. Admin can define the email content here that he wants to send to the customer when that status is assigned to an order.
For example if the status is changed to “Order Processing” then customer gets email with details of status of order, payment, comments, etc. And when the status is changed to Ready for Pickup or Complete the email will contain thank you message, shipping company details, consignment number, etc.
We have added barcode display in formation of invoice that goes to the customer.
Admin can now easily track order in our solution by scanning the barcode. The new invoice format is added as default in email content section. You can use this default content and setup updated invoice format.
You can now add a prefix or postfix to your order ID or order number for business management purposes. To add prefix or postfix you can contact our support team at.
We have added a new functionality where admin can auto archive an order with complete status. Note here that only orders with “complete” status will be auto archived.
When admin adds or edits an order status he can define it as complete.
If a status is set as “complete” then an order will be auto archived if that status is assigned to it.
The auto archive functionality has to be enabled by the admin from settings.
Store Configuration>>Settings>>Store Configuration Settings
Now admin can select more than one template created by customers and delete them with one command.
Customer>>Customer Templates>>Delete
Admin does not need to delete customer created templates one by one. Checkbox based selection and single delete command can do the job.
We have further grouped all different kind of settings into single interface with search facility.
Admin>>Store Configuration>>Settings
All settings have been grouped together in a tabbed interface and are available under “store configuration”. Setting tabs have been created for customer, product, template, images, store personalization, store configuration, SEO, & miscellaneous. Admin no longer needs to go to different modules to manage settings.
We have added a Navigation Menu on the top right corner of product pages in products module. Admin can use this menu for quick navigation between different product related actions like editing designer options, price, Meta tags, rules, etc.
The links that will be displayed in this navigation will depend on original product settings. For example if a product is not made available to corporate clients then “edit corporate price” will not appear in this navigation window.
We have developed a new section where we centralize all information related to a particular product.
Click on the search icon below product image. This will give you a detailed product information page.
On this page admin can see details like different sizes for the product, color palette and default studio assigned, customers to whom the products is available, margin settings, product description and metatags, etc.
On another tab admin can see price information like retail price, corporate price, and additional options price.
All product information will be available in single page to admin.
We have added transaction details like order number and comments in transaction history of manage credit/debit section of corporate management.
Corporate Management>>Action >>Manage Credit/Debit
In history section admin can see transactions that were done by corporate users. You can see the amount that was debited for a particular transaction, the amount that was credited, date of transactions, etc.
Admin can use search filter to view transactions for a particular time period.
Now you can select a breadcrumb style and have it added on your web store pages. The breadcrumb will be displayed as follows:
You can request us for a personalized breadcrumb design and we will implement it on your web store. A breadcrumb will make it easier for your customers to see next steps for ordering.
You can activate breadcrumb for your store from the content management module of your admin panel.
Admin>>Content Management>>Manage Breadcrumbs
To activate breadcrumb you need to contact support@onprintshop.com. Mention in your email which style of breadcrumb you want for your store. Our design team will create and implement the breadcrumb on your web store based on your theme.
We have enhanced shipping module for weight and quantity based shipping so that admin can easily set shipping price based on (1) country, (2) country and state, (3) country and zip code. We have also improved the interface of zone based price assignment.
Admin can select shipping price setup for his store from Settings.
Store Configuration>>Settings>>Store Configuration
We have also improved the interface for zone management. This can be accessed from “manage” button added in action for a zone.
Zone Management>>Action>>Manage
For Country & State Based Zone Management
In this interface admin can:
For Country & Zip Code Based Zone Management
In this interface admin can:
On the web store frontend customers can estimate shipping cost of their order for their zip code, state, and country based on the settings configured. These fields will be added in price calculator.
If the admin has configured country and state in backend settings, then price calculator will show these two fields in calculator.
If admin has configured country and zip code then, print cost calculator will have those fields for shipping cost.
If admin has configured only country then price calculator will have only country field to estimate shipping cost.