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19 May, 2024

Version 11.1

Introducing the latest release of OnPrintShop Version 11.1! This update incorporates a host of new features, intelligent enhancements, and optimizations designed to streamline operations, enhance customer experience, and boost productivity for print businesses.

What’s New:

1. Strong Password Setup

OnPrintShop follows data security and privacy by design. Adhering to the best industry standards for data security, version 11.1 introduces a robust setting to configure the strength of passwords for your customers. As an admin, you can choose to keep the strength of passwords as Low, Medium or High.

For admin accounts, the password strength will be set as “Medium” by default.

2. Introducing All New Editor

In version 11.1, we are introducing Froala Editor to enhance the writing and editing experience for our PSPs.

The Froala Editor will provide you with an intuitive and powerful platform to create impactful website content seamlessly, setting a new standard for rich text editing experiences.

3. Draft Mode Development

Whether you're working on a lengthy document, composing an email, or drafting a social media post, having the ability to save your progress ensures that you don't lose any of your work in case of interruptions or distractions. To ensure due accessibility of your content and save a work in progress, version 11.1 introduces Draft Mode.

Now you can work on your content over time, save progress as you go without the pressure of completing it in one sitting and review a saved draft before finalizing.

As soon as you save the content added in the editor, the system will generate a Version for the same. The system will create and store up to 3 versions of the content. You can anytime switch to any of the versions.

4. Reminder email for Pending Proof Approval

Finalizing an artwork and making it print ready can sometimes become quite a lengthy process when you follow the proofing cycle. It may happen that the customers may forget to verify and approve the proof shared with them.

To manage this scenario, and speed up the proofing process, a reminder email is being introduced in v11.1. With this email, you can configure the email content using variables and set the reminder settings (when and how) to be sent to your customers.

5. Customization of Home Page Content Display

Showcase your products individually, in categories or in groups on the Home Page to your customers for better accessibility of your latest and promotional products.

On the home page of your store, you can now display Products, Product Category and Category Groups separately via Home Page CMS block.

6. Save Products for Later Purchase from the Cart

To enhance the overall shopping experience for your customers and reduce cart abandonments, we are introducing “Save for Later” feature in version 11.1.

With the “Save for Later” feature added to the cart, the customers can add their selected items/products to their “My Saved Designs” to later return to and then place the order whenever possible.

7. Display Popular Products in the Search bar

There can be products in your store that are in seasonal demand, best sellers, or most searched for. With version 11.1, you will now have the provision to showcase these products to your customers in the front store.

You can configure which products to display in the Popular Products tab within the Search Results page from the Site Settings and by enabling “Popular Products” settings from the Add/Edit Product screen.

8. Short link Generation for Sharing Products

Product short links simplify the process of sharing specific product pages online while offering additional tracking and branding benefits. With the v11.1 release, admin as well as customers will be able to copy and share the product short links from the Price Calculator.

To simplify the configuration and usage of this feature, an interface for creating Product Feed Variants has been designed along with revamping the Sitemap screen. The short links can be generated for product option combinations as well.

Enhancements for an edge:

1. Restrict Site Access for an entire IP range.

On the Manage Site Access page, admins can allow or block access to a site for an entire range of IP addresses.

2. Designer Studio with a New Look

To enhance the performance and to give you and your customers a great user experience, the Designer Studio Tool has been upgraded to Angular v14.0.0 along with changing the UI/UX.

3. Store Specific Order Status & Quote Status Email Content Overwrite

The private store will now have the provision of managing the email content of Order Statuses and Quote Statuses.

4. Image Alt Text Store Wise

The “Image Alt Text” menu under “SEO” module will now be available for all store types including Multistore. The stores can now manage the Alt Text of images from Product, Category, Banner, Content Pages and Testimonial pages section.

5. Content Position for PDF blocks

While managing the Alignment Rules for PDF blocks, admin will now have the provision to choose the starting position of the selected text or image block should be from the center of the page or the center of the blocks/area.

6. Export/API Orders Enhancements

In v11.1 release, some enhancements have been made to the Export/API Orders section:

  • The admin will have the provision to instantly transfer the orders to hot folders as soon as the order is placed. To enable this feature in your store, you can contact our technical experts’ team.
  • To capture Customer Addresses, a new section of “Customer Address” has been added to the Capture Order Information.
  • An option “Copy Option Files to Hot Folder” has been introduced in the Hot Folder Transfer section to allow the admin to copy the additional options for the ordered product and transfer to the hot folder as per the settings.
  • Experience seamless synchronization of orders, customers, products, and stock details with our cutting-edge GraphQL API. Retrieve specific parameters swiftly, minimize request calls, and elevate your website's performance by 10x. Connect with our support team to unlock its potential.
  • Now, print ready files for Predefined products can be transferred to the Hot Folders.

7. Assign Store-wise default user group

In v11.1, the admin can now set a default user group for every store. For this, a site setting has been added to set a default user group. After setup, all the new users added to the store will be assigned under this default group. This setting can be overwritten store-wise. The private store admin, franchisee admin or reseller admin can set their own default user group.

8. Visual price calculator enhancement

With the enhancement in Visual Price Calculator feature in v11.1, the “Display Visual Price Calculator” setting from Product Settings screen has been converted to Enable/Disable option instead of drop-down options. When enabled, this setting will work for the size and additional options for which you have uploaded images in respective sections.

For the size option or additional option attribute for which you have not uploaded any image, the visual calculator setting will not work.

If you have uploaded an image for some options and not for others, in that case only the thumbnail will appear with the size or attribute name.

9. User wise display and export fields for report

In the reports section, admin can now select to save the report fields for display or export for self or for all the admin accounts. This facility will be given to super admin account only.

10. Minor Enhancements

Product Module

  • When you have enabled Visual Price Calculator for a Dynamic size product, you can now upload and display an image for the Custom Size option.
  • The "Option Name Position" setting from the Option's Presentation Settings has been renamed to "Option Label Position". In addition, the setting type is changed from the Toggle button to the Dropdown options.
  • To the Product Options formula, a new variable {jobs_per_sheet} has been added. This variable, when included in the formula will count the number of jobs that will be printed per sheet.
  • The admin will now have the facility to upload multiple images for a product from the Image Gallery section.
  • There can be some special days or events which your customers may want to highlight or personalize. In v11.1, your customers will get the option to add background color or image to the events added.

Quote Module

  • While placing offline quotes, the admin will now be able to upload multiple files. To achieve this, the field “Multiple Files” has been included in the Quote Form for placing the offline quote.
  • As per your quote flow, you can now choose to display unit price of the quantity selected in the Quote form as well as in the email.
  • On the Quote Print form, admin can now show their Customer’s Company Name via adding {customer company name} variable in the “Quote Print Template” email.
  • You can now directly assign a printer to the individual Product Quotes. Once the quote is finalized and it is converted to order, then it will be directly assigned to the selected printer for the fulfillment.

Admin Module

  • In the Report Field Settings screen of Report section, the super admin can now select and save the fields for display and export for self or for all the admins.
  • With the “Product Quantity Label Help” field added in the Product wise Label Personalization of the Product Setting, the admin can now add some message for their customers to help them with the quantity selection. Once the message is added in the space provided, on the front store, the message will be displayed in a help popup within the Price Calculator.
  • Expanding the unit size selection in the Schema Manager section of Imposition module, two new options “Feet” and “Meter” have been added.

Front Store

  • With the new version 11.1, the admin can now choose to restrict their customers from adding “n” number of products into their shopping cart. With this setting, a product limit will be set and when the product numbers exceed the limit, an error message will be displayed to the customers, and they will be restricted from continuing to the checkout process.
  • The Zero shipping price for Local Pickup from Store, Flat Shipping and Shipping Cost by Order Subtotal shipping methods can now be hidden with the “Hide Zero Price” feature.
  • Based on the setting, you as an admin can now offer your customers a provision to view the Total price with or without Tax/VAT amount in the Price Calculator.
  • In the Shipping selection step, the shipping types of the individual shipping methods can now be displayed as per their pricing or delivery. With the “Sorting option for Shipping Types” setting added to the Site Settings, admin can choose to display the shipping types as the default, in Lower to Higher Price or with Fastest Delivery first.
  • On the Upload Center Page, dimensions for the uploaded files will be displayed to the customers below the thumbnail image.

Designer Studio

  • The image flip tool has been made available for PDF Block templates.
  • For better visibility and designing experience, we have enhanced the UI and labelling of Cut Margin, Bleed Margin and Safe Margin in the Designer Studio.
  • While personalizing the Promotional Products, the customers will now be able to clearly view the printable area highlighted by a border. The color of the border can be customized from the admin panel as per need.
  • In the Designer Studio, you can now restrict the users from entering Font Sizes between a range based on the settings you have made in the Studio Settings.

Order Module

  • While placing an offline order from the admin panel, admin will now have the facility to select Partial Payment in the Payment selection. Once the order is placed, the requests will be raised as per the assigned payment term to the selected customer and customers will be able to see the Payment requests raised in the Order Details.
  • Now, when the customers place order via Upload Center flow, they will have the option to download the print ready file from their Order Info or Details page when admin has allowed the same from the Update Order Product screen.
  • The admin can now generate and download the Packing Slip from the Order Shipment Page.
  • The admin will now have the option to upload order-wise images in the Order Notes section. This can be helpful for admin and customer when they need to share any file for the order or even admin can use this feature for internal purposes.

Third-Party Integrations

  • In v11.1 release, the EPMS integration with OnPrintShop has been enhanced by providing the feature of inventory management and implementing selected order status synchronization in auto sync.

Upgrades on The Core Solution:

  • Security Updates and Speed Optimization to enhance overall system performance.

More Fixes:

We have identified and resolved some bugs in OnPrintShop to enhance its performance and user experience.

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