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Web2Print and Customer Loyalty

Blog | 1 Oct 2010
Web to Print and Customer Loyalty


Technological advancements have bestowed great powers upon modern day customers - greatest of them being the power of choice. One simple conscious choice made by the customers can change the fortunes of enterprises.

Thus, customer attrition has become the main focus for enterprises today. All the huff and puff behind the various customer benefit programs boils down to one simple goal – customer retention.

Why Customer Loyalty?

Business operations have assumed a highly customer-centric outlook today. As a result, customers enjoy a very premiere position in the business cycle. The older your customer base, the more successful you are perceived to be. Your satisfied clients generate additional business for you through their own multiplying requirements.

However, these recurring clients also inherit a latent capacity of generating new business leads. They provide you the most powerful form of publicity a business can ever dream of – word of mouth or referral. In a customer driven market, nothing travels faster than the word of a satisfied customer!

OnPrintShop For Customer Loyalty

As a print service provider, your sole aim is to deliver output that satisfies your customers. The best way to do this would be to engage your customers in your designing process.

OnPrintShop grants you the luxury of customer engagement from the word go. The solution’s pre-populated template designs enable you to offer vast design options to your customers at the onset. They can pick and choose the design that appeals to them the most.

For customers who do not want to adopt the pre-designed templates but instead design their own products, the solution offers a customization facility. OnPrintShop features a custom designer studio that allows your customers to design their own products and get them printed. The studio unleashes the power of localized marketing by enabling printing of promotional materials for each market distinctly.

Besides customization your clients can also personalize several merchandize products like mugs and t-shirts and promote their brand.

OnPrintShop’s comprehensive customer portal maintains a detailed customer account that provides order history and details. This makes reordering a matter of simple click, imparting greater ease of use.

Get Your Customers Talking

All in all, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that OnPrintShop helps you render a memorable user experience – your trump card that protects you against erosion of your client base. What more, your customers will be your biggest publicity mechanism, just wait and watch!

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